Passing All Drug Test - Your one stop source to passing a drug test
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7 Day Body Cleanser

How to pass any drug test | How to beat any drug test

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If you want to detoxify and cleanse your body thoroughly, then try our 7 Day Body Cleanser that does thorough and successful detoxification to enble you to pass a urine drug test, pass a saliva drug test or pass a blood drug test. Body cleansing detoxification has become a simple procedure that can be done by anyone at home and which allows people to pass any drug test. The seven day detox program requires an increased intake of water, a healthy and toxin-free diet along with some everyday cleansing capsules to completely detox your body permanently. Rest assured that the 7 Day Body Cleanser will detoxify and cleanse your body and make it ready to beat any drug test in only seven days.

PLEASE NOTE: This 7 Day Body Cleanser works on all toxins, however it is for light users ONLY and NOT for people over 200lbs. If you fit either criteria then check out our line of Complete Body Cleansers.

Drug Test


Daily Cleansing: Take 2 capsules with 24 oz of water three times daily for seven days in a row. Urinate frequently to remove pollutants.

Additional Water: Drink plenty of water. You should drink 8-10 8 oz servings of water per day to keep you hydrated.

Diet: Limit yourself to a low fat diet. Examples of low-fat foods are: fruits, vegetables, chicken and fish.

Exercise: Try to get at least 15-30 minutes of aerobic activity, such as walking each day.

Avoid Polluted Environments: Examples of pollutants are smoking cigarettes, second hand smoke, alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, or even running/jogging near a busy street.

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